January 1st, 2016 - 1st Weightlifting Goal:

I decided to make a change and began a total life-style change about 2 years ago when I was tipping the scales at 280lbs. I first began with altering my eating habits and breaking all the bad habits I had developed over the years. That alone helped me lose around 120lbs. I then made the decision to incorporate exercise into my routine but as so many others out there I lacked the self-discipline to go at it alone.

After having researched the various options that were at my disposal, I chose Tom at Diamond Fitness Personal Training to be my guide through the fitness world. I was very surprised by the variety of activities he incorporated into our weekly sessions and was amazed by the results and how quickly I started seeing them. I not only saw changes but felt changes! I found I needed less sleep, had more energy throughout the day and noticed an improvement in my general mood. I was never a very active person in the past having been afflicted with severe Asthma as a child. Tom was able to ease me into a routine that would help me to achieve my long-term and short-term goals.

Coincidentally I am writing this the day I met my first weightlifting goal!

Tom is very flexible as I work shift-work and find it impossible to have a consistent schedule.

I highly recommend Tom to anyone who wants to start taking control of their own health and well-being, and strive to be the best they can be. 

March 28, 2016 - 2nd Weightlifting Goal:

Tom likes to have all his trainees set a three month goal for an exercise that he chooses and the one that was chosen three months ago for us was bench pressing. I was initially tested and I was pressing at a weight of 120lbs which was already an impressive feat in my eyes but Tom encouraged me to set a higher goal to work towards. We agreed that 175lbs was a reasonable goal. It seemed a little high in my eyes and I was worried it would be more difficult to achieve than he thought.

Well the three months are up and I am proud to say that I have achieved that goal! I am impressed with myself because the bench press is one of the more difficult exercises for me. I am also thankful that Tom saw my potential to reach that goal even when I was doubting my ability and drive.

Thanks Tom! Looking forward to the next goal!